Seven Steps to Building the Decision Makers Journey Book

Step 1. Begin with a Starting Point Profile of Yourself
Review your personal network of support—the people,places, and experiences you count as assets. What are your personal plans for increasing those assets?

Step 2. Design Your Journey Book’s Personalized Front Page
  • Take Time Out for a Strategy Session:
Collaborative Planning: A Strategy for Working Partners
Step 3. Meet Stephanie and Brian in the multimedia Journey Book Introduction
Learn how to start a problem-solving dialogue with your network of supporters. Design Your Journey Book’s Personalized Front Page
  • Take Time Out for a Strategy Session:
Story Behind the Story: A Strategy for Getting at the Whole Truth
Step 4. Create Chapter One: A Portrait of Myself as a Decision Maker
Tell the story-behind-the-story of two hard decisions (a good and a bad one). Reveal "how you felt and what you learned" as you respond to the rival readings others have of your situation.
  • Take Time Out for a Strategy Session:
Rivaling: A Strategy for Bringing More Voices to the Table and Into Your Plan
Step 5. Create Chapter Two: A Plan of Action for a Real Problem
Think through a hard a decision you are likely to face just down the road and make a Strong Decision Makers action plan.
  • Take Time Out for a Strategy Session:
Options and Outcomes: A Strategy for Making Strong Decisions
Step 6. Develop Chapter Three: A Portfolio of Plans, Strengths, and Accomplishments
Plan how you can use this opportunity to make changes you care about most and to build your own assets. Write a letter to yourself. As you reach any milestone (big and small), place a note or record of your accomplishment in your Journey Book.

Step 7. Assess Your Strengths
Review how far you have come. Construct an assessment of your strengths in decision making, responsibility taking, and teamwork.