Dr. Tim Flower,
Hands-On Productions Project Director

Tim is a watchmaker and a Community Mentor who has a PhD from Rutgers and has taught there and at the University of Pittsburgh. He is the regular cartoonist for Written Communication and Writing on the Edge. He has worked for several years as a Community Mentor in the writing projects at the Community Literacy Center, and for the past three years he has helped plan, coordinate, and mentor in the Hands On Productions (HOP), working with teens making videos a part of community literacy, and teaching literacy strategies as we help teens create videos dramatizing problem cases as springboards for community-based dialogues. With Donald Tucker, he has written a guide for people like you, who may be considering making videos with teens and about teens for wider audiences.

Tim has a special interest in how video scripting techniques can turn narrative into action, writing into speaking, monologue into dialogue, and telling into showing.

His main long-term interest is in non-traditional ways of mentoring, such as collaboration, supporting, and teen-centered mentoring.


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