Jennifer Flach,
Mentor Coordinator

Jenn is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Rhetoric program at Carnegie Mellon University. She became involved with the Community Literacy Center while completing a masters degree in composition studies at Kent State University. Currently, she team-teaches, along with Wayne Peck and Linda Flower, the CMU course Community Literacy and Intercultural Interpretation. As mentor coordinator, she works closely with the youth coordinator to ensure that the experiences of both the writers and the mentors are fulfilling and educational.

Her research interests include developmental writing, assessment, and cross-institutional learning. One of her current projects involves working to establish Community-University Partnerships, like the one at the CLC, in other contexts. These partnerships would involve students in mutual intercultural inquiry. They would ask students to apply the theories they learn in the classroom to practical collaborations with community members interested in specific problems within the community.

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